to the Creative World of Island Design

C r e a t i v e  D e s i g n S o l u t i o n s

T h o u g h t f u l  I n n o v a t i o n


A r c h i t e c t u r e

M a r i n e  D e s i g n

Cat 12j
Theater - A Bridge between Layers of ConsciousnessCat 189Ann Arbor Mixed Use Project

G r a p h i c  A r t s


W h a t ’s   N e w   a t   I s l a n d   D e s i g n?

Riverfront Housing

Housing to Utilize and Reintegrate Detroit’s River
An Exploration of Home as the Dynamic between Freedom and Connection, while creating architecture which improves the overall environment through its existence. Renderings and Drawings of “In-Process” Thesis Work.   Continue

Boat Design.Net

Boat Design . Net
Much of my time this fall has been devoted to developing the Internet Marine Design Resource Site: Boat Design.Net and the Boat Design Directory. Envisioned as a connection between boatbuilders and designers, Boat Design.Net features boat design and boatbuilding projects, plans, software, books, graphic and comprehensive directories, and a montly design award. Continue

C A T  1 8 9

CAT 1 8 9
Updated Renderings and Animations of the Cat 189.  While the design is being  refined, we will continue to update with new pictures and plans.  Continue

on the Detroit River

Theater: A Bridge between Layers of Consciousness
An escape from the everyday to find parts of your being otherwise suppressed by the machine of everyday living.  A Community Theater for the Detroit River. Continue


A growing graphical index of the best powerboat sites on the web.  Includes powerboat racing sites, powerboat design and boatbuilding resources, on-line magazines, and manufacturer sites. Continue

Ann Arbor
Mixed-Use Building

Integrated Articulation - Ann Arbor Mixed Use Building
Located on Liberty and Fifth Street, this project involves the complex definition of a modern mixed-use building made more challenging by its integration into a fabric full of conflict and competition.  Continue

Beaver Island
Beaver Island . Net

Beaver Island’s Interactive News Source
Community News, Excursions, Places (Beaches, Dunes, Inland Lakes, High and Garden Island), People, Artists, and the Rich History of Beaver Island.  Winner of “Northern Michgian Site of the Year.”  Continue

m a i n f r a m e
g a l l e r y

Native American Sculpture

Main Frame Gallery
We have just finished updating this site to include a virtual gallery of steel sculpture, etchings, collages, constructions, paintings, prints, pottery, and sculpture. Continue

Marine Design
Software (3D-INDEX)

Marine Design Software
We have updated and revised our directory of the best Marine Design Software to include a few new companies and to improve ease of use.  We hope this is helpful.  Continue

Internet Design

Graphic Arts & Web Site Design
Island Design can provide a custom, creative design solution with the personal attention and commitment to detail that your project demands. Continue


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